Director of Curriculum, Secondary
507.328.4311 | Email Heather Willman
Credit by Assessment
Credit by Assessment, or testing out of a course, is an option available for students in Grades 9-12 who wish to earn high school credit for knowledge and skills acquired outside of the school setting. This option is available for selected courses only.
Credit by Assessment examinations are available to students currently enrolled in Rochester Public Schools or students who are enrolled for the upcoming year.
The Credit by Assessment option is provided twice a year.
It typically involves an in-depth paper/pencil assessment in addition to demonstrations which indicate the ability to apply the knowledge and skills taught in the regular classroom.
A significant level of independent study is required.
The student must score 80% or more in order to receive credit.
Students will receive an overview of topics.
Credit by Assessment is not designed to recover credit for a failed course.
Approximately 40% of students who participate in the Credit by Assessment process receive credit.
How to Apply
Obtain an application form from the Counseling Office at your high school or middle school (8th grade students can take the winter test during their 8th grade year and/or the summer test before 9th grade).
Complete all areas in boxes 1 and 2 on the form and return to your School Counselor or email to Kris Lloyd ( The Counselor must review and sign the application before it is accepted by the Office of Curriculum and Instruction.
Once the application is received by the Office of Curriculum and Instruction, the overview will be sent to the School Counselor. The School Counselor will share the materials with the student.
The application deadline is one week before the test.

Heather Willman

Laura Willis
Advanced Learning
507.328.4275 | Email Laura Willis